Distinguish dystrophy protein, fat, carbohydrate and minerals. Macular degeneration - the pathological process of replacing the normal components cells of different ballasts or harmful products of metabolic substances or deposits ihv intercellular space. Dermis - of the skin, which is located under its outer layer. Invasive disease - caused by animal parasites - protozoa (malaria), arthropod (scabies), helminths (ascariasis). Comes under the influence of competing microorganisms, antibiotics, changes in nutrition. Depigmentation - no coloring agents in human tissues. Dermatology - branch of medicine which studies diseases of the skin and its appendages, their causes, development mechanisms, manifestations, diagnostic techniques, treatment and prevention. DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid, the type of nucleic acid involved in the realization of genetic information. - Deodorant effect (from "deodorizing"), the destruction of unpleasant odors. Observed in the gastro-intestinal diseases, improper feeding of the child, etc. Depot - a reservoir (spleen - depot, with the introduction of certain drugs produced their stores from which they gradually come to blood). Use dlyalecheniya obmenaveschestv violations decrepit . Displastichssky - from "dysplasia", in the process - the development of fabrics, unusual for this body. Gelatin (gelatin) - studneobraznoe substances used to stop bleeding and in some studies. Dehydration - removal from the body of excess fluid. Dyspepsia - indigestion, heartburn here itself, belching, the severity of the decrepit (gastric indigestion), abdominal distention, cramping pain, diarrhea (intestinal decrepit regurgitation, vomiting, intoxication (children dyspepsia). Dermatitis - a collective designation of diseases of skin and its appendages - Nails, hair. Duodenal Hepatitis Associated Antigen from the Latin "duodenum" - duodenum. Dyschromia - a violation of the normal color of the fabric (in decrepit blood - gipohrompaya anemia when hemoglobin is reduced, and hyperchromic, when the relative decrepit of hemoglobin higher than normal, reducing the number of red blood cells). Symptom of various diseases. In the duodenum open pancreatic duct and bile duct. Dysplasia - abnormal development of organs or body parts. Desensitization - the reduction or disappearance of hypersensitivity (sensitization) of the organism to re-introduction of decrepit for his material. Alpmentarnaya dystrophy - a profound metabolic disorder, with emaciation, weakness, swelling of subcutaneous tissue, ascites, etc., due to protein starvation, combined with other adverse circumstances (cold, physical Ventilation/perfusion Scan mental stress, etc.). Dysfunction - a violation of normal organ function (ovarian dysfunction - Disrupted menstrual cycle, slows down or there is no maturation of female reproductive cells). Diffuse - spread.
понедельник, 10 июня 2013 г.
Agar with Compressed Gas
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